Customer Testimonials

See how customers feel about working with us!

My friends and family have been impressed. Your company was the best and most professional. On time, patient, and very concerned about being clean and doing the correct installation.


Streamwood, IL

Salespersons were extremely friendly and willing to consult us about any questions we had. Installers were equally friendly. The whole experience went extremely well.


Schaumburg, IL

Great job of installing. The installers were fantastic and worked extremely hard to complete the job in one day.


Glendale Heights, IL

As you know, we had you install our bathtub and surrounding tile at our house in Barrington. I think it helped us sell our home a few months later! We loved it so much, we had you come back. Everyone involved is terrific.

Satisfied Customer

Barrington, IL

Bath Maxx turned my disgusting, embarrassing, moldy bath tub into a brand new, beautiful shower! I am no longer embarrassed to have guests stay over. Thank you Bath Maxx for your expertise, speed and all the money you saved me!

The Reis Family

Addison, IL